I am going. To where? It will be only a matter of time before even myself realize that where am I going. To France or to military service? To heaven or hell! But one thing is for sure and that is my return. I will come back, maybe tomorrow, maybe a decade later. Right now I am in Tehran, sitting in computer site of elec. eng. dept. of Sharif University of Tech and waiting for the destiny to take me with it! I will write more about this, maybe in my persian blog. I don't usually write my personal things in my english weblog but our computer site in this university doesn't support UTF8 which is nessesary for persian pages. Also I haven't written anything here for a month! It is hard to find something worthy to write about these days, when everything seems the same each day and nothing seems to disturb this silence. Maybe it is a silence before the storm.
Yesterday Iran football national team defeated Bahrain to stand on the third place of the asian football games. This could have been an interesting topic to write about specially considering the huge interest there is for football in Iran. But even football doesn't seem to excite us anymore. As Mozaffareddin-Shah, the king of Iran in about hundred years ago, said, everything in our country suits everything else!